What's Happening in the UTB

Tips For Organizing The Best Casino Night Events

When was the last time you participated in a casino night out or a similar event with the intent to raise money for causes you believed in? Some companies organize annual events or casino nights where everyone is a winner. People who attend these events come with an open heart to help the less fortunate,…

Tips For Ensuring Security For Your Upper Tampa Event

One of the main goals of the Upper Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce is to constantly and effectively cater to the needs of the community. We strive to do this through any means possible, and this includes driving various events in the area. Locals and interested parties can participate in volunteer and charity events, team…

Able Trust Business Seminar

Lee Iacocca once said, “in the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product and prices”. He understood the importance of human capital in the workplace. This workshop is all about building your business through internships. Able Trust is dedicated to serving Floridians with disabilities. Learn about both here and get…

Oldsmar Days Parade April 1

Our Centennial Plus 1 Parade is coming up April 1.  This is truly a community parade.  Make sure your church, school, scout troop, favorite charity, business or neighborhood group is represented.  Be a part of the community and help us prove Oldsmar is a great place to live, work and play.  Download your application today!