What's Happening in the UTB

Gil Pinney’s Focal Point

Check out Business Coach Gil Pinney's June edition of Focal Point.  Pick up take-aways from how to turn on your customers, to learning good business practices from the Peace Corps and more...read here 

John Mosher’s June Newsletter

Investing in Your Life: 4 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship Many couples would rather walk over hot coals than sit down and examine their relationship. And when you throw kids into the equation, who has the time? Read more...

Career Source Announces EWT Funding

Investing In Tampa Bay Businesses & Talent Business-Driven. Talent-Focused. In today’s fast-paced global economy, CareerSource Pinellas and CareerSource Tampa Bay are keenly aware of the pressures businesses face to stay competitive. Successful, sustainable businesses stay ahead of the curve and continuously adapt to changes that affect their market, products or services. These services may require…

Hillsborough Manufacturing Academy

Here's some outstanding news for area manufacturers and the opening of some excellent career opportunities for our students. County Commission Approves School Board Partnership to Strengthen Manufacturing Academy Programs Training will address the skills gap and prepare students for careers in manufacturing Hillsborough County, Fla. (June 5, 2015) – As part of the Hillsborough County Manufacturing…